7 Common Problem Areas In Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is as common in today’s business sector as email marketing campaigns and docking stations. But it is not without its perils and pitfalls, which stem mainly from a lack of understanding about how Cloud computing works and who is responsible for various roles.

We take a look at some of the more common problems encountered when Cloud computing.

Organizational Ignorance

While many staff will be fully onboard with Cloud computing and all that comes with it, still more will view the move to this type of interface with deep suspicion. Though their fears may be unfounded and rooted more in ignorance than fact, this lack of knowledge can be endemic throughout an organization.

Before any type of Cloud computing system is introduced within the business like Tcaps Cloud, managers need to have a clear understanding of the reasons, pros and cons of the system and be able to communicate those reasons with staff at all levels.

Just Believing the Service Level Agreements

These tricky agreements take place between service provider and customer but they are notoriously difficult to pin down when it comes to something going wrong. A far better idea is to know the product and its limitations before purchasing it.

Cloud computing can be a major investment and is a commitment to a particular style of working. If you go into it with a naïve understanding of SLAs you will find yourself facing some enormous hurdles when things go wrong. A lot of research and time spent going through each product is time well spent.

Assuming Everyone Knows What They’re Doing

From customer, to seller, to staff – often when new ways of working are introduced, it’s assumed that everyone knows how they will be working and even how their role has changed. Unfortunately, this is often not the case and can lead to immense pressure put on each of these parties to solve problems often blamed on the technology, when in fact internal misalignment is to blame.

This, in turn, can lead to bad feeling with the vendor and all because the basic logistics were not adequately dealt with before implementation.

Not Checking Out Compliance Issues

Data is sacred, especially that of your clients. If there is even a small risk that you’re on the wrong side of compliance, that you’ve made assumptions that everyone is on the same page as you, then now is the time to double check.

Compliance issues underpin a great deal of transactional relationships between client and business and business and vendor. Each has high expectations of how their data is managed.

Failing To Monitor Correct Use

This could also be rephrased as the head not knowing what the hand is doing. One of the many benefits of cloud computing is multiple access points, but if these access points aren’t carefully monitored to show a uniformed approach to sharing, at the very least the process will become confusing.

At the very worst, there could be instances of data being removed or changed without prior notification, leading to all manner of problematic issues.

By clarifying protocols, a business can save itself a great deal of time and money in correcting problems which didn’t need to occur in the first place. Never make assumptions about Cloud computing.

Hoping A Third Party Can Pick Up The Pieces

While outsourcing your Cloud computing is an excellent idea in terms of customer service and having access to regularly updated technology, it does not remove you from in the line of fire if something goes wrong.

If, for example, there is a breach of a client’s data while technically the vendor may have been at fault it’s going to fall to you to figure out what went wrong and how you’re going to make things right again.

There will always be risk, but managing it to the best of your ability will always play out in your favour.

Not Learning The Hard Lessons

Easier said than done of course and no one really likes to admit they’ve made a mistake or even missed a course of action that lead to a mistake from a third party. However, as in all walks of live, Cloud computing can only be improved by a commitment to implementing change as often as is needed. Don’t be afraid to talk to your provider if you find you’ve made a mistake, similarly don’t be afraid to suggest some changes that would benefit you as a client.

While things going wrong is almost inevitable there are some things you can plan for, Cloud computing is an amazing leap into the future for business. Just make sure you’re prepared for the highs and lows.

Chloe Bennet
Chloe Bennet
Chloe Bennet is a tech editor at Write My Essay For Me and Buy An Assignment services. She helps with content management and proofreading. Also, Chloe teaches academic writing at Paper Fellows website.


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  2. What bothers me most in cloud computing is the extent of assurance of data integrity.
    When this data is compromised, who takes responsibility?

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