6 Simple Recipes for Successful Promotion of Your Video Blog

The Digital Age ushered in a lot of changes that granted more freedom and opportunities for people eager to realize their creative potential. With the advent of social media and free blogging software, it became easy to win worldwide recognition for doing something you’re good at and truly passionate about. More and more people decide to try their hand at video blogging, which can be both a lucrative venture and a terrific opportunity to showcase your talents and charisma. But not all video bloggers are equally successful at their blogging undertakings, since not all techniques and methods are equally effective. Below are some simple yet effective tips that can help you get noticed by the right audience and turn your endeavors into a fruitful, emotionally, and financially rewarding venture. 

#1 Think It All Over 

Though the first tip that is going to appear on our page may make you scoff, make sure to resist the initial urge to skip it. The truth is a good many beginner bloggers don’t bother to make sure that video blogging is their cup of tea. They merely admire the successes of other celebrated influencers and decide to dive headfirst into blogging without actually weighing their own chances of success and critically analyzing their skills and potential. 

If you’ve resolved to create an effective video blog, you should be ready to create quality content on a regular basis. Note that it’s not only about making money. To amass and, more importantly, retain loyal online followers, you have to provide them with useful and unique tips, suggestions, in other words, you need to do something to inspire them, make their life more diverse, interesting, and exciting. And the worst thing you can do is to start bombarding your followers with marketing material. Once you make sure that your idea to create a video blog is definitely worth investing much time, effort, your heart, and soul, don’t hesitate to jump right into it.    

#2 Determine the Purpose 

There must be something you’re passionate about. It may be inventing fancy dish recipes that make your heart beat faster and you may be eager to prove your aptness and professionalism to the world. In fact, it can be anything from designing clothes to making miniature models or planes, to sculpturing, carving in marble, travel, photography, or body art. Define what kind of audience you want to serve. Can you add more humor to your blog? Or it will be oriented towards serious followers, who are proficient and interested in the area you want to cover. Ask yourself whether or not you’re ready to provoke conversations, spark discussions, and challenge people whose attention you crave to attract. There are no limits as to what approaches and techniques to utilize. But be sure to determine the value you want and are able to provide to your fans and stick with it. 

#3 Harness the Power of Social Media 

It’s a rare video blogger who can attain a decent level of popularity without relying on social media. It won’t be an exaggeration to note that Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and others of their ilk now rule the world and largely define the concepts of fame and popularity. So, the odds are great that you’ll succeed at promoting your blog if you manage to leverage social media. Don’t skimp on such features as ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ (on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit, etc) when creating your blog. It’s also a good idea to cooperate with other bloggers and influencers on social media. This will help you introduce your content to the wider audience and ensure that your endeavors and hard work will pay off down the line. 

#4 Make it SEO-Friendly 

The success of your blog will be doomed if you fail to familiarize yourself with and abide by the rules of search engine optimization. Experts note that SEO-savvy bloggers know how crucial it is to identify the key words for searching for a posting’s subject matter, and think about the best way to incorporate those terms into the title and body of the post. If you have some free time and funds at your disposal, you can even enroll in some course where they will teach you how to use the omnipotent Google’s web crawler to your advantage. Quality links to your blog from other web resources can go a long way towards boosting your online visibility and SEO rankings. So, you definitely shouldn’t ignore cooperating with popular and authoritative websites. 

#5 Participate in the Buzz

To drive more coveted traffic to your new blog, be sure to actively engage with your audience so that they have a stimulus to engage with your content. Do allow commenting on your blog, participate in discussions, respond to comments regardless of their content, and constantly expand your horizons. Establish connections with others in your industry and become its meaningful part.   

#6 Use Video Editing Tools

Needless to say, the vast majority of video bloggers’ followers are visuals. So, the onus is on you to create not just valuable and engaging content, but also wrap it up with a nice bow. That where free online video editors come in and save the day. Once you learn how to use video editing tools to your advantage, you’ll take your video blogging to the next level. 

  • Fastreel is one of the most widely used online editing tools. The reason why so many bloggers now use this handy tool lies in its sleek and intuitive interface, a multitude of useful features, and availability. With its help, you can quickly spruce up your blog by adding eye-catching captions, creating a slideshow, and hundreds of custom animations. 
  • Animoto. Another video editor that will help you make your video interesting is Animoto. Not only will it help you create videos but also select a fancy soundtrack and upload your own images to it. You can also avail yourself of tons of customizable temples which will make your videos stand out from the crowd. 
  • PickMonkey. To edit a video in the blink of an eye isn’t a problem with PickMonkey. It also offers a wide array of graphic design templates, impressive audio library with thousands of soundtracks, and other tools wherewith you can optimize your video content for a variety of media platforms. 
  • Canva. This tool is indispensable if you want to transform your articles into captivating and easy-to-digest videos. The collection of templates and images Canva offers is truly superb and can cater to the needs of the most demanding blogger.    

Hope our simple tips will help you attain fame and world recognition. But you should note that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither was any successful blog. Take your time. Be consistent and patient. With due diligence, you’ll be able to promote your video blog and get rewarded for your hard work

Marie Foster
Marie Foster
Marie Foster is a reporter based in UK. Marie has also worked as a columnist for the various news sites.


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