Before debunking affiliate marketing myths, it would be worthwhile underscoring exactly what this topic entails. As a business concept it is one of the most straightforward for the simple reason you don’t need an economics degree or an extensive CV of marketing achievements to be an affiliate. Business acumen and bundles of enthusiasm are the basic entry requirements. After all, the Internet means no one ever need reinvent the wheel: all you are doing is harnessing existing marketing strategies to tap into retail streams. So what are the myths about this type of enterprise you really need to be aware of?
1. It’s only a Fad
The most widespread falsehood is the insistence that affiliate marketing is just a trend, and like any other in the business world or otherwise, is destined to wane. Here are the facts. While it is impossible to make business predictions with 100% certainty, from all the available information it is plain to see this form of marketing is now deep-rooted. In fact, according to Robert Oldman who is an official representative of a TopOffers affiliate network the number of global brands using affiliate marketing sites as a much more economical selling tool than traditional advertising put the total as high as 80%.
There has been much recent discussion about Google altering algorithms where SEO analysis is concerned, but affiliates rely on many more marketing techniques than the simple act of backlink building. This means subtle changes to the way search engines are ranking affiliate marketers is likely to have little impact on the overall picture.
2. Consumers Don’t Trust You
Another potent myth is that consumers are less likely to put their trust – and hard-earned bucks – in affiliate marketing. Statistics reveal many customers who have landed on pages run as affiliate programs actually go to the next stage and purchase products, or at least add them to their shopping lists for future reference. As a rule, shoppers tend to home in on products they are interested in beforehand rather than casually browsing a diverse range. But when they do come across something that takes their eye they’ll buy regardless of whether the platform is being run by the affiliate or the umbrella company.
3. Quantity is All-important
The next myth concerns quantity: for affiliates to make sufficient income they need to be running as many programs as possible. But like anything else in life, quality is all-important. If you intend setting yourself up as one of these entrepreneurs, you would be much better advised doing a lot of preliminary research. Rather than a scattershot approach, check out current trends and what the impact of marketing has been on existing websites. Affiliating with quality websites might cost more, but they be geared up to appeal to a wider customer base. Additionally, by focusing on a few high-yield programs you will ensure you are in no danger of spreading your resources too thinly.
4. Social Media
Social media is undoubtedly one of the key attributes affecting e-commerce in the modern age. However it is a myth to assume that this will naturally generate business for an affiliate marketing program. While it is perfectly true that social media platforms offer a wider reach than anything previously available, you still require to put in a lot of groundwork and research before placing adverts in order to optimize sales. In the right hands, social media can certainly represent a lucrative revenue stream, one that is just waiting to be tapped. But you still need to know the ins and outs of why certain aspects of marketing have the greatest potential.