Here is How You can Play Unblocked Games on Linux, Apple And Microsoft Phones

Unblocked games are available for all internet users. They require only the internet connection and a web browser. The thing is, in a web browser, the flash player must be installed. In 90% of cases, this isn’t an issue, but some users may experience some problems. There are hundreds of helpful articles for Microsoft and Android users, but for Linux and Microsoft Phone ones, not so much. We will be discussing here these users.

Playing unblocked games on Linux

In some cases, you will have to install the flash player on your Linux computer. If you use Chromium, you will have to go to the software center/software sources and then select the Ubuntu software. Ubuntu is simply a version of Linux OS. Check the “Software restricted” option and close. The software center will update your sources. Then, search for a flash player and install it. Reboot your computer and you are done.

Another way is to run CTRL+ ALT+T in order to open a terminal. Then type “sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree” and press enter. You will have to enter your passwords and to confirm. Wait for a couple of minutes, while the process is complete and type exit. Also, reboot your computer and you are done. Every now and then, you can check the upgrade status by typing “sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree –status” and you will see is an upgrade available. If it is, you should repeat the process and install it. We will add the fact that this is a mandatory option, because some games may require a newer version of the flash player.

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Both of these methods apply to Chromium. But, if you use Chrome, flash player is already installed. However, in some cases it may fail and won’t be able to load the games. If that happens, you will have to reinstall the flash player. It is available as a separate package on the web and you will have to download it, for Ubuntu and install it. That’s it.

Microsoft Phones

For these smartphones, the situation is slightly different for unblocked games. Usually, all Android and Apple smartphones own have a problem with the flash content, but Microsoft Phones are slightly different. Yes, they support flash content, including the games, but they will need an app. Flash Videos is the app you will have to install. It is available in the store and it costs just $1.5. Install it and you are ready to play all of these games. A much better alternative is to download web browser such as Chrome for Microsoft Phones and enjoy in playing flash games without an issue.

Older Microsoft Phones require the same procedure and it is the same process as well. It is definitely something that should be taken into account and it is more than just simple, but productive.

Apple users

People with Apple smartphones usually don’t have any problems with the flash player, simply due to the fact it is a standard feature in all iOS versions. Just in case, if your file is damaged or the entire iOS is corrupted, there is something you will have to do.

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Install iTunes on your PC. Make sure you are installing the latest version. Turn off your phone, connect it to a computer, press home, and power buttons and hold until you see an iTunes icon. The software will offer you to restore iPhone as a new device. When doing this, all of your data will be deleted, because you will install a completely new version of the iOS. A great choice is the fact this process also upgrades the IOS version, so your iPhone will run the latest operating system.

Once you have completed this process, your iPhone will boot and you will have a completely new smartphone. You will also have to install all the apps you used before, but this is a simple process, as you already know.

In order to keep the data from your phone, make a backup. It is done via iTunes and the process is simple. Connect your device, while it is turned on and click on the backup tab. Once it is done, you can perform the OS install. After the process, simply connect the phone again and run the import backup and you are done.

There are some additional facts you should know. This process will download the entire iOS on your PC. You must wait on the step be completed, meaning that you will be downloading 1.5GB of data. This file will be stored on your computer, so the next time you need it, you don’t have to download it. In addition, iOS versions for iPhone and iPad are different and they cannot be used for other Apple models. Downgrading, installing the previous version of iOS on your device isn’t an option.

Alisia Watson
Alisia Watson
Alisia Watson is a brand strategist at My Ultimate Success Tips a.k.a MUS Tips.


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